I work "in the presumptive"...I know what I know, I know what I don't know. I trust in my intuit, and allow logic, reason and deduction, guided by experience on the dark side to be the only Master.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Imagine a Job being an entitlement?
Imagine a Job being an entitlement?
so then...
Just what makes an "entitlement" an entitlement? Earned or Presumed "earned?"
One who works 40 hours a week, and gets paid...is an Entitlement? I'm entitled to be paid, since I worked.
I guess that is the logic of the Marginal Media calling Social Security, and Medicare as "entitlements." After all....someone who gets FREE FREE FREE money shouldn't be getting money, therefore...Welfare is NOT an entitlement....
Makes sense to me? Liberal Logic, messaging and the dumb people who buy this Schitte....
If you don't know this, you don't know Jack.....Let me introduce you to my new little friends....Jack...
so then...
Just what makes an "entitlement" an entitlement? Earned or Presumed "earned?"
One who works 40 hours a week, and gets paid...is an Entitlement? I'm entitled to be paid, since I worked.
I guess that is the logic of the Marginal Media calling Social Security, and Medicare as "entitlements." After all....someone who gets FREE FREE FREE money shouldn't be getting money, therefore...Welfare is NOT an entitlement....
Makes sense to me? Liberal Logic, messaging and the dumb people who buy this Schitte....
If you don't know this, you don't know Jack.....Let me introduce you to my new little friends....Jack...
Saturday, December 8, 2012
The Constitution = The Center Beam that Supports the House - Reverse engineer to distrupt Original Intent
Tony vs Liberal on facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/TheConstitutionByGO
....an exchange ....in "defense of the obvious."
I exchange with a LIBERAL over the Principles of the Constitution. Challenging the "written in granite" argument...
from Shawn Geneva Maynard
, but you refuse to answer my question? It was a simple question. Ill ask it again even.
Do you think the constitution was meant to stay the same and never be changed?
I finally gave in to @shawn and acknowledged his indifference to the "Sensibilities of the Obvious.
"Principles not to be evolved ...natural law "example"...
A large room with a center beam.....needed to uphold the structure, engineers know the math, knows what must BE their to COUNTER the weight of Roofing the Post in the Middle is designed to support.
......The Constitution is the CENTER Beam....
Asking a question like..."is the Constitution designed to allow the changing or evolution? The answer to that...."If you don't know, I can't explain it to you" type of question is ..
Just because YOU want a pool table in the middle of the room, you think that post is simply there as a way to be in your way...therefore...I'll just move...err evolve it.....NO!
Academic Constitutional Legal Theory is Intellectually Corrupt
The Supreme Court will soon release its decision on ObamaCare. I have no dog in this fight–I have no opinion as to whether it is constitutional or not. (Actually, I think the law is inconsistent, and so I think there is a compelling legal case for both sides.)
From my perspective as an outsider, most of the field of constitutional law seems intellectually corrupt. It seems that almost everybody does the following:
1. Start with a political philosophy–a view of what you want the government to be able to do and what you want to the government to to be forbidden from doing.
2. Take the Constitution as a given.
3. Reverse engineer a theory of constitutional interpretation such that it turns out–happily!–that the Constitution forbids what you want it to forbid and allows what you want it to allow.
When I read academic writing by constitutional legal theorists, it seems like basically everyone (conservatives, liberals, libertarians) does this. Isn’t that bizarre? For example, why don’t more libertarian legal theorists just say, “Yes, the Constitution allows X, even though X ought to be forbidden, and so to that extent, the Constitution is bad.” Why don’t we see more left-liberals saying, “A just society would allow X, but, alas, our Constitution forbids X and is to that extent a bad Constitution.” We do sometimes see this, but for the most part, people of every ideology tend to argue that the Constitution allows or forbids exactly what they would want it to allow or forbid. Isn’t the most plausible explanation of this that most legal theorists are intellectually corrupt? (They may be sincere, but they are suffering from terrible confirmation bias.)
When it comes to arguing in front the Supreme Court, we can make some sense of this practice. In that case, the stuff about constitutional interpretation is just a facade, and what’s really going on is that different groups are fighting to impose their political philosophy upon others. But academic legal theory is supposed to aim at truth. Legal theorists are not–or should not be–fighting political battles.
Since I am a legal positivist and a legal realist, I do not assume that the Constitution is good or just. I do not assume that something has to be good for it to be the law.
I regard laws as sociological phenomena, and whether a law is good or just is a contingent fact. Thus, I am perfectly happy, in some sense, for it to turn out that the Constitution allows things I would forbid and forbids things I would allow. I feel no impulse to try to interpret the Constitution so that it requires–how happily!–neoclassical liberalism.
Imagine if people interpreted Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals the way they interpret the American Constitution. People would start with their favored view of ethics. They would then reverse engineer a theory of textual interpretation such that Kant ends up, according to that theory, endorsing their pre-existing favored view of ethics. If a scholar did that, we’d think that scholar was to that extent intellectually corrupt, even if she were sincere. Yet this is pretty much what most academic constitutional legal theorists do.
The only real defense of this practice I’ve seen is one that starts by arguing that the law is supposed to be normative and authoritative. However–and I won’t argue for this here–the case for legal positivism seems so strong that I don’t see this as plausible.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Can Greed be MORAL? Rational?
Does Greed trump Morality...
is Greed ever Rational / Moral?
"American Greed" is doing everything it can to convince usA all that Greed, and Greed alone is the root of all evil. Programming USa, every chance Perversionists can.
Picket the Complicit!! Programming USa...not acceptable....any longer....!!
Time to get PHYSICAL....emails, phone calls, won't do squat, diddly, or otherwise....
The Media Strategically understands
"If a tree fell in the woods and no one was there to hear it (or report it) DID IT really hap
pen? (see Benghazi)
March on the Media,
demand Truth be reported ONLY...Demand or be sheeple....talk, talk, talk, talk, and more talk..
Media needs to be "embarrassed" before they will RE-act...this is what "they try to do to usA" often and all too often for fear of embarrassment we do stupid things in order NOT to BE embarrassed...human nature liberals use...our turn...now
is Greed ever Rational / Moral?
"American Greed" is doing everything it can to convince usA all that Greed, and Greed alone is the root of all evil. Programming USa, every chance Perversionists can.
Picket the Complicit!! Programming USa...not acceptable....any longer....!!
Time to get PHYSICAL....emails, phone calls, won't do squat, diddly, or otherwise....
The Media Strategically understands
"If a tree fell in the woods and no one was there to hear it (or report it) DID IT really hap
pen? (see Benghazi)
March on the Media,
demand Truth be reported ONLY...Demand or be sheeple....talk, talk, talk, talk, and more talk..
Media needs to be "embarrassed" before they will RE-act...this is what "they try to do to usA" often and all too often for fear of embarrassment we do stupid things in order NOT to BE embarrassed...human nature liberals use...our turn...now
Thursday, December 6, 2012
What IS = Conservative...What IF = Liberalism / Pervisionism
Liberalism deals with WHAT IF.....
Conservative deal with WHAT IS......This needs to be argued always when ignorance spouts....
"Well, IF the Surplus wasn't put into place it would of been worse." Really...you know that? Or you THINK you know that....
True Science speaks to What is or Isn't....
Hollywood drama-sports, Liberal politicians, and children...speak to what IF....
Faith or
Fact...(imagine placing libs on the side of "faith"...) sorry for
Racists Are THEY who PROCLAIM YOU are.
Who is more RACIST...Liberal elites...promoting Abortion?
Conservatives who Promote LIFE...even African-American/Black/Negro LIFE & Pursuit of Happiness?
Facts 655,000 Babies of Liberal color are allowed to NOT that God given Right.
You really believe Liberal Elites care for Black Babies? c'mon...now.....duh!!!
The Perversionalization comes when "one of many of your own" are in bed with the Liberal Elite....(Black Leaders, laughing at their flock, all the way to the Bank of THEM!)
Conservatives who Promote LIFE...even African-American/Black/Negro LIFE & Pursuit of Happiness?
Facts 655,000 Babies of Liberal color are allowed to NOT that God given Right.
You really believe Liberal Elites care for Black Babies? c'mon...now.....duh!!!
The Perversionalization comes when "one of many of your own" are in bed with the Liberal Elite....(Black Leaders, laughing at their flock, all the way to the Bank of THEM!)
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Would you die to protect your Children? then....
Random thought...(?)
A Patriot to a Country is the Parent...yes?
Like "Parents" to a child...have we been Irresponsible?
OK, next question...Would you DIE for your children?
Would you step (not talk) in between your child and that which proposes harm?"
Consider this...next time...you decision to talk or walk your talk comes to a town near you....
Just a thought...more coffee needed.www.facebook.com/tony-venuti
A Patriot to a Country is the Parent...yes?
Like "Parents" to a child...have we been Irresponsible?
OK, next question...Would you DIE for your children?
Would you step (not talk) in between your child and that which proposes harm?"
Consider this...next time...you decision to talk or walk your talk comes to a town near you....
Just a thought...more coffee needed.www.facebook.com/tony-venuti
Friday, November 30, 2012
Battle of the Sexes The War on Men, and Tony's Response wrtten 40 years ago
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a
hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in
response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have
become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of
the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the
dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a
hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in
response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have
become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of
the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the
dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a
hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in
response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have
become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of
the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the
dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a
hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in
response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have
become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of
the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the
dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a
hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in
response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have
become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of
the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the
dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
Battle of the Sexes, A Man's Perspective. Written in 1973 during an earlier imprisonment
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
Battle of the Sexes, A Man's Perspective. Written in 1973 during an earlier imprisonmentBelieve it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjsLoYkV
by Tony Venuti on Friday, November 30, 2012 at 11:18am ·
at the bottom is the link to my Essay written, age 23. Wiseguy then, Wise man now.
The Battle of the Sexes, a Man's Perspective.
In the upcoming weeks in this new advice column, based upon understanding relationships among men and women, we'll discuss and answer problems people have in dating, relationships, and the social settings of life.
I will bring the male point of view and, I hope, the women's point of view into perspective, having encountered many problems amongst friends of both genders.
I will strive to bring an understanding of the sexes and an awareness based on compassion for others and their own selves for we cannot truly love others till we love ourselves.
I will seek to take away, to some degree, the egos in a relationship, or a social encounter that tend to fog up the reality of what's taking place and in turn destroy what very possibly may!
From time to time, I will concentrate on a particular letter, problem if you will, and devote some space in not only solving of the issue but of the principles involved in solving that problem so one may utilize said formula of a problem of a different sort.
The Battle of the Sexes, from my, a man's point of view, is one war that, in spite of its changing nature with woman playing a more aggressive part, will continue to go on as long as life itself.
Not enough of us have fun chasing or being chased by the opposite sex. Such a shame, because it is, and can be for the most, if like life, you don't make it a life or death venture. It need not be. Just like in other “sports” even the best team doesn't always with,…imagine winning every game…..How boring would that be?
In dating and relationships in general I've applied one principle that brings on positive re3sults in most situations. The foundation of this principle is something mother taught me since memory allows….”killing with kindness and “you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar.” It was many years before I knew I was using it, and with success. To me, it is the very essence of the word CLASS! I don't mean appreciation of material things, or how you may or may not dress…what I mean by CLASS is simply enough the manner in which you behave when making an overture to anyone…MANNERS. Such a shame so many of us Men and Women alike, forget these lessons,…sometimes I wonder if they were taught at all…
If all of us had a better understanding of it's meaning, (CLASS) and the practice of it, how our endeavors of a relationship would exceed our greatest hopes, never mind expectations.
First of all, if we can accept in general, the theory that one person may not be right for another, no matte how acceptable he or she believe themselves to be to that person, doesn't necessarily make it be that they're meant for that person. If we can accept this theory, then we must practice it….
This is where man via his ego goes wrong. During a social encounter an overture to the opposite sex doesn't bring on the hoped-for response…what does he do, does he smile anyway, leaving the lady with a good feeling about himself? The smart ones do, but the high majority have to forget they're adults and start acting like a child, taking this reject as a direct affront to his masculine ego.
He responds in such a negative manner that it now becomes a cause and effect factor for women to be rude not only to the man she is currently confronted by, but also to the next unsuspecting man coming her way. One unfairness perpetuates another unfairness and before the night's out all you hear women say…Men, they're all alike. And, of course, the men are all saying exactly the same about women…so. the battle is not only unchanged but it is self perpetuating, a chain unbroken.
What is important for woman to understand is that it takes GREAT COURAGE for even the most confident and accomplished man to make the first approach to a lady. To reject ladies, is fine, after all this is what it's all about. But to reject without the slightest consideration..(even compassion) for another human being's feeling is no class!...Remember, Manners! Unfortunately the man who is rejected now turns on the next woman with the same lack of consideration before him had show him. One never ending merry-go-=round of men and women both feeling THEY are the victim.
One way of accepting rejection as a positive statement instead of a negative statement comes directly from the heart of self esteem One must say to themselves, well, it's OK if he or she does not want me…It's their loss, not mine. They don't know what they're missing, etc. What an enlightened change this would be to some who seem to take delight in adolescent responses.
I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want someone who does not want them. I would, if really interested in a particular person, find it more important in trying to make that person first want me on a human level, and then accept me on what terms are proposed. To have a person a
Accept me on the initial terms just because they were pressured and afraid to be rude, etc., would be an insult to me personally. I also see how this would be an easy read for a third party on the character of this person who wants acceptance at any cost. To be accepted on the same terms as a housewife accepting a purchase order of magazines from a high pressure salesman just “to get him off my back” would be demeaning to me an any relationship. A lack of high esteem in anyone who does not understand this.
Both men and women, I venture to say, exclaim that is IS THEY have the hardest part of social gamesmanship. With the exception that modern woman have brought upon the “game” not withstanding, I think we can agree it's still pretty much the same ritual…A man asks, a woman accepts or rejects via any flirtations of a lady may give to a man to indicate she is attracted to him.
The strong point in favor of this ritual for the lady is she doesn't have to develop the courage to make the first move' consequently, have to deal with DIRECT REJECTION.
Of course the flip side of this coin is apart from the various signals a lady might be able to throw out, she can only sit and wait for “the man of her dreams” to come over….and she just might wait forever. In the mean time she must fend off, unfortunately sometimes with a “straight arm” instead of manners, the men she has not desire for or interest in.
As for the man, it's turned around. Their advantage is they can choose, they don't have to encounter those who are distasteful to them. On the other hand their disadvantage is they face the very calculating risk of being directly reject by someone who they find appealing
So much is this a disadvantage, I can fairly say most men would prefer a knock-out punch. It puts a good majority of men standing around at parties and clubs completely stifled by the opposite sex from just one reject or even worse, a rejection from last week still fresh in their mind.
From personal experience I would say only 10% of men at a club actively engage from one hour to the next, the ritual of finding a dance partner. To meet a lady that say yes sometimes takes anywhere from one to ten rejections. I sometimes wonder myself how I can withstand that little voltage that comes when you hear, “no thank you.” But if the man has a healthy attitude with esteem he feels the lady that says “yes” was worth the ongoing ting of pain ones hears “no thank” once again. Men don't realize that the rejections are the encounters that give good practice towards the next “yes”..and I always remind myself nothing good comes easy.
As a man, I make it a point to compliment a woman who rejects me with consideration of my feelings, and perhaps with humor. The reason I do this is to reinforce her of the right way to act. To reward her with a compliment hoping she'll show the same consideration for the next man rejected down the road.
This could also lead to a consequential benefit on my behalf. Having doe this, I have, in effect “killed her with kindness” and maybe, just maybe, she'll have a change of heart about me, perhaps, …cause I'm not like “all the rest.” The more you “kill with kindness” the more changes of heart will go your way and this will reinforce and reward you, hopefully , in turn, create more positive reactions from rejections before.
One must not forget thought that the initial intent for “killing with kindness” was to reward the lady for her consideration of your feelings. If she doesn't have a change of heart, it's OK It is more important to be a “nice guy,” a gentleman with class than it is to be pushy with a woman. If the consequences go your way, fine, but remember the reason for the initial attempt.
It is unfair to say that all men go for is good looks. (Man's first question…”what does she look like?”) as it is unfair to say that it is monetary success that woman
Care only for. (Woman's first question “what does he do for a living?”)
A lot of what I say about a woman can be applied to a man and vice versa. For example, be aware of a man who is obviously self-centered. The same advice could hold true for a man whose girl believes the world revolves around only her.
What is important for both sexes is that personality and proper behavior by far will accomplish much more in the dating world than good looks alone. I personally guarantee a woman who perhaps is not the greatest looker, but is well groomed, who has an open, honest, pleasant personality with a bit of humor and charm will have more call backs, more second dates, less one night stand than any beauty with few other qualities.
Anyone who finds a shallow person, perhaps with just good looks going for them, enjoyable is just as shallow themselves, you can be our paycheck on it!
For me personally, women with good looks, who lacks personality are such a disappointment. Such women's favorite first question is “what do you do?” (translations: how much money do you make?) Second question, ”What kind of car do you drive?” (translation: the same). I mean I'd like to think there's more to life than that. If a woman cares enough about this man for himself she will find out the answer to all those shallow questions sooner than she thinks and probably without asking. Ladies it's an easy read….BORING
Much understanding must be given to so many attractive ladies who all of their lives boys and now men find her beauty so intimidating as not being able to realize that what they judge to be snobbery is really shyness perpetuated by men, themselves, own lack of courage to tackle her beauty and face the possibility of rejection.
Beautiful woman all their lives have been told, over and over again, since being a toddler, how beautiful they are. It's a pity but most of these women believe that's what life is all about. So it is no wonder why these woman want only,…good looking men. Of course, not all beautiful women are like this, fortunately.
In my opinio0on though it's closer to the rule than to the exception. With age though, these women soon start to learn beauty isn't the only thing. Aah, but like wine. that's the life!
For men to understand that being aggressive does not necessarily mean it's being push. Pushy is bad, aggressiveness is necessary. He who sits still and wishes, gets nothing He who goes out with the risk of rejection staring at him in the face has a healthier dating life. Be forward, be gentle, and adhere to the wishes of the lady that say, “NO!” She has as much right to say no to you as you do to come up and violate her immediate space/privacy. I say it's alright to approach a woman in any location, time, and situation' however, if you find it is not welcomed, respect that!
And so it goes, ..The Battle of the Sexes, and so it will always be. Regardless of who plays what roles, as long as the human element continues to exists…”Man's inhumanity towards man,” providing the most conflict… All we can strive to do is to …perhaps..rise above it.
The Battle of the Sexes, a Man's Perspective.
In the upcoming weeks in this new advice column, based upon understanding relationships among men and women, we'll discuss and answer problems people have in dating, relationships, and the social settings of life.
I will bring the male point of view and, I hope, the women's point of view into perspective, having encountered many problems amongst friends of both genders.
I will strive to bring an understanding of the sexes and an awareness based on compassion for others and their own selves for we cannot truly love others till we love ourselves.
I will seek to take away, to some degree, the egos in a relationship, or a social encounter that tend to fog up the reality of what's taking place and in turn destroy what very possibly may!
From time to time, I will concentrate on a particular letter, problem if you will, and devote some space in not only solving of the issue but of the principles involved in solving that problem so one may utilize said formula of a problem of a different sort.
The Battle of the Sexes, from my, a man's point of view, is one war that, in spite of its changing nature with woman playing a more aggressive part, will continue to go on as long as life itself.
Not enough of us have fun chasing or being chased by the opposite sex. Such a shame, because it is, and can be for the most, if like life, you don't make it a life or death venture. It need not be. Just like in other “sports” even the best team doesn't always with,…imagine winning every game…..How boring would that be?
In dating and relationships in general I've applied one principle that brings on positive re3sults in most situations. The foundation of this principle is something mother taught me since memory allows….”killing with kindness and “you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar.” It was many years before I knew I was using it, and with success. To me, it is the very essence of the word CLASS! I don't mean appreciation of material things, or how you may or may not dress…what I mean by CLASS is simply enough the manner in which you behave when making an overture to anyone…MANNERS. Such a shame so many of us Men and Women alike, forget these lessons,…sometimes I wonder if they were taught at all…
If all of us had a better understanding of it's meaning, (CLASS) and the practice of it, how our endeavors of a relationship would exceed our greatest hopes, never mind expectations.
First of all, if we can accept in general, the theory that one person may not be right for another, no matte how acceptable he or she believe themselves to be to that person, doesn't necessarily make it be that they're meant for that person. If we can accept this theory, then we must practice it….
This is where man via his ego goes wrong. During a social encounter an overture to the opposite sex doesn't bring on the hoped-for response…what does he do, does he smile anyway, leaving the lady with a good feeling about himself? The smart ones do, but the high majority have to forget they're adults and start acting like a child, taking this reject as a direct affront to his masculine ego.
He responds in such a negative manner that it now becomes a cause and effect factor for women to be rude not only to the man she is currently confronted by, but also to the next unsuspecting man coming her way. One unfairness perpetuates another unfairness and before the night's out all you hear women say…Men, they're all alike. And, of course, the men are all saying exactly the same about women…so. the battle is not only unchanged but it is self perpetuating, a chain unbroken.
What is important for woman to understand is that it takes GREAT COURAGE for even the most confident and accomplished man to make the first approach to a lady. To reject ladies, is fine, after all this is what it's all about. But to reject without the slightest consideration..(even compassion) for another human being's feeling is no class!...Remember, Manners! Unfortunately the man who is rejected now turns on the next woman with the same lack of consideration before him had show him. One never ending merry-go-=round of men and women both feeling THEY are the victim.
One way of accepting rejection as a positive statement instead of a negative statement comes directly from the heart of self esteem One must say to themselves, well, it's OK if he or she does not want me…It's their loss, not mine. They don't know what they're missing, etc. What an enlightened change this would be to some who seem to take delight in adolescent responses.
I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want someone who does not want them. I would, if really interested in a particular person, find it more important in trying to make that person first want me on a human level, and then accept me on what terms are proposed. To have a person a
Accept me on the initial terms just because they were pressured and afraid to be rude, etc., would be an insult to me personally. I also see how this would be an easy read for a third party on the character of this person who wants acceptance at any cost. To be accepted on the same terms as a housewife accepting a purchase order of magazines from a high pressure salesman just “to get him off my back” would be demeaning to me an any relationship. A lack of high esteem in anyone who does not understand this.
Both men and women, I venture to say, exclaim that is IS THEY have the hardest part of social gamesmanship. With the exception that modern woman have brought upon the “game” not withstanding, I think we can agree it's still pretty much the same ritual…A man asks, a woman accepts or rejects via any flirtations of a lady may give to a man to indicate she is attracted to him.
The strong point in favor of this ritual for the lady is she doesn't have to develop the courage to make the first move' consequently, have to deal with DIRECT REJECTION.
Of course the flip side of this coin is apart from the various signals a lady might be able to throw out, she can only sit and wait for “the man of her dreams” to come over….and she just might wait forever. In the mean time she must fend off, unfortunately sometimes with a “straight arm” instead of manners, the men she has not desire for or interest in.
As for the man, it's turned around. Their advantage is they can choose, they don't have to encounter those who are distasteful to them. On the other hand their disadvantage is they face the very calculating risk of being directly reject by someone who they find appealing
So much is this a disadvantage, I can fairly say most men would prefer a knock-out punch. It puts a good majority of men standing around at parties and clubs completely stifled by the opposite sex from just one reject or even worse, a rejection from last week still fresh in their mind.
From personal experience I would say only 10% of men at a club actively engage from one hour to the next, the ritual of finding a dance partner. To meet a lady that say yes sometimes takes anywhere from one to ten rejections. I sometimes wonder myself how I can withstand that little voltage that comes when you hear, “no thank you.” But if the man has a healthy attitude with esteem he feels the lady that says “yes” was worth the ongoing ting of pain ones hears “no thank” once again. Men don't realize that the rejections are the encounters that give good practice towards the next “yes”..and I always remind myself nothing good comes easy.
As a man, I make it a point to compliment a woman who rejects me with consideration of my feelings, and perhaps with humor. The reason I do this is to reinforce her of the right way to act. To reward her with a compliment hoping she'll show the same consideration for the next man rejected down the road.
This could also lead to a consequential benefit on my behalf. Having doe this, I have, in effect “killed her with kindness” and maybe, just maybe, she'll have a change of heart about me, perhaps, …cause I'm not like “all the rest.” The more you “kill with kindness” the more changes of heart will go your way and this will reinforce and reward you, hopefully , in turn, create more positive reactions from rejections before.
One must not forget thought that the initial intent for “killing with kindness” was to reward the lady for her consideration of your feelings. If she doesn't have a change of heart, it's OK It is more important to be a “nice guy,” a gentleman with class than it is to be pushy with a woman. If the consequences go your way, fine, but remember the reason for the initial attempt.
It is unfair to say that all men go for is good looks. (Man's first question…”what does she look like?”) as it is unfair to say that it is monetary success that woman
Care only for. (Woman's first question “what does he do for a living?”)
A lot of what I say about a woman can be applied to a man and vice versa. For example, be aware of a man who is obviously self-centered. The same advice could hold true for a man whose girl believes the world revolves around only her.
What is important for both sexes is that personality and proper behavior by far will accomplish much more in the dating world than good looks alone. I personally guarantee a woman who perhaps is not the greatest looker, but is well groomed, who has an open, honest, pleasant personality with a bit of humor and charm will have more call backs, more second dates, less one night stand than any beauty with few other qualities.
Anyone who finds a shallow person, perhaps with just good looks going for them, enjoyable is just as shallow themselves, you can be our paycheck on it!
For me personally, women with good looks, who lacks personality are such a disappointment. Such women's favorite first question is “what do you do?” (translations: how much money do you make?) Second question, ”What kind of car do you drive?” (translation: the same). I mean I'd like to think there's more to life than that. If a woman cares enough about this man for himself she will find out the answer to all those shallow questions sooner than she thinks and probably without asking. Ladies it's an easy read….BORING
Much understanding must be given to so many attractive ladies who all of their lives boys and now men find her beauty so intimidating as not being able to realize that what they judge to be snobbery is really shyness perpetuated by men, themselves, own lack of courage to tackle her beauty and face the possibility of rejection.
Beautiful woman all their lives have been told, over and over again, since being a toddler, how beautiful they are. It's a pity but most of these women believe that's what life is all about. So it is no wonder why these woman want only,…good looking men. Of course, not all beautiful women are like this, fortunately.
In my opinio0on though it's closer to the rule than to the exception. With age though, these women soon start to learn beauty isn't the only thing. Aah, but like wine. that's the life!
For men to understand that being aggressive does not necessarily mean it's being push. Pushy is bad, aggressiveness is necessary. He who sits still and wishes, gets nothing He who goes out with the risk of rejection staring at him in the face has a healthier dating life. Be forward, be gentle, and adhere to the wishes of the lady that say, “NO!” She has as much right to say no to you as you do to come up and violate her immediate space/privacy. I say it's alright to approach a woman in any location, time, and situation' however, if you find it is not welcomed, respect that!
And so it goes, ..The Battle of the Sexes, and so it will always be. Regardless of who plays what roles, as long as the human element continues to exists…”Man's inhumanity towards man,” providing the most conflict… All we can strive to do is to …perhaps..rise above it.
a contrary perspective
a contrary perspective
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
As the author of three books on the American family and its
intersection with pop culture, I’ve spent thirteen years examining
social agendas as they pertain to sex, parenting, and gender roles.
During this time, I’ve spoken with hundreds, if not thousands, of men
and women. And in doing so, I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a subculture
of men who’ve told me, in no uncertain terms, that they’re never
getting married. When I ask them why, the answer is always the same.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjrDDWcw
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
But what if the dearth of good men, and ongoing battle of the sexes, is – hold on to your seats – women’s fault?-
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjrDDWcw
battle of the sexes is alive and well. According to Pew Research
Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a
successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives
rose nine percentage points since 1997 – from 28 percent to 37 percent.
For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped,
from 35 percent to 29 percent.
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
As the author of three books on the American family and its
intersection with pop culture, I’ve spent thirteen years examining
social agendas as they pertain to sex, parenting, and gender roles.
During this time, I’ve spoken with hundreds, if not thousands, of men
and women. And in doing so, I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a subculture
of men who’ve told me, in no uncertain terms, that they’re never
getting married. When I ask them why, the answer is always the same.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjrDDWcw
Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.
The so-called dearth of good men (read: marriageable men) has been a hot subject in the media as of late. Much of the coverage has been in response to the fact that for the first time in history, women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.
But what if the dearth of good men, and ongoing battle of the sexes, is – hold on to your seats – women’s fault?-
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DjrDDWcw
Thursday, November 29, 2012
2nd Amendement TATTOO-wave that freak flag high.
Wow, this would make a great Tattoo for someone to proudly wear.
... I don't like them, but I could handle this on someone's body...maybe even my own....it is tattoo in my brain....yous?
What part of the 2nd Amendment don't YOU get?
The Not being Infringed part?
The RIGHT to Keep and Bear Arms?
A WELL regulated Militia to the Security of a FREE State?
Oh, I see....you are saying we AREN'T Free...so therefore all is MOOT? Really....??
NOT Buying it! Don't YOU!
share this....Fire at WILL and FOR EFFECT
if I'm not your friend and you are a Conservative...just ask me...
... I don't like them, but I could handle this on someone's body...maybe even my own....it is tattoo in my brain....yous?
What part of the 2nd Amendment don't YOU get?
The Not being Infringed part?
The RIGHT to Keep and Bear Arms?
A WELL regulated Militia to the Security of a FREE State?
Oh, I see....you are saying we AREN'T Free...so therefore all is MOOT? Really....??
NOT Buying it! Don't YOU!
share this....Fire at WILL and FOR EFFECT
if I'm not your friend and you are a Conservative...just ask me...
Political Correctness and Re-Election of a Loser
Democrats,.. Social Issues at the expense of Economics...
Republicans...Economics at the expense of Social Issues
Observation...the Moral Cliff, "No Way out of here....said the Joker to the Thief...."
Liberals won, right? Behind "NOT the Economy, Stupid, but behind Social Issues.
Republicans LOST for we always talk "It's the Economy, Stupid." Political Correctness precluded any discussion on Morality/Social Issues..
Hmmm... Suckers are we (not me) are USa.
Fox News....It's the Economy...all the pundits...economy...but yet we lost behind Social ISSUES....
Suckers, indeed. Fiscal Cliff, Moral Cliff....you decide. "oh..you have!"
Republicans...Economics at the expense of Social Issues
Observation...the Moral Cliff, "No Way out of here....said the Joker to the Thief...."
Liberals won, right? Behind "NOT the Economy, Stupid, but behind Social Issues.
Republicans LOST for we always talk "It's the Economy, Stupid." Political Correctness precluded any discussion on Morality/Social Issues..
Hmmm... Suckers are we (not me) are USa.
Fox News....It's the Economy...all the pundits...economy...but yet we lost behind Social ISSUES....
Suckers, indeed. Fiscal Cliff, Moral Cliff....you decide. "oh..you have!"
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Fiscal Cliff? or Moral Cliff?
Fiscal Cliff? or Moral Cliff?
Chicken and Egg question....we've had it wrong for so long.....Once Off the Moral Cliff, the Economy, stupid, FOLLOWs.....
Do you don't this ...you don't know Jack
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Islam ...Cancer? Time for Surgery?
Time for Surgery?
Only you can know if you should share...'liberally."
Only you can know if you should share...'liberally."
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Perversionism, a Socio-Political Paradigm Replacing "Liberalism."
Perversionism, now superseding Liberalism, no longer just "code" for Perversion-ism.....or
Perversionism... Makes so much more sense now(tv)
from the post
But what is truth? What is perversion of truth?
In defining truth, words such as honesty, accuracy, factual, and
impartial come to mind. Closely associated with truth are the words
integrity, reliable, and trustworthy.
Perversion takes us in the opposite direction – corruption, falsification, misrepresentation and distortion.
Most of us, when we are asked to describe the mainstream media, would use words such as biased, slanted, and one-sided.
It isn’t hard to see how similar these words connect to the meaning of perversion.
Time to March on the Media.....talk vs walk....
Perversion takes us in the opposite direction – corruption, falsification, misrepresentation and distortion.
Most of us, when we are asked to describe the mainstream media, would use words such as biased, slanted, and one-sided.
It isn’t hard to see how similar these words connect to the meaning of perversion.
Time to March on the Media.....talk vs walk....
Know why you "hate" the Media
Don't just talk about why you think the way you do. KNOW the reasoning in the way you think you do. Great fodder here.The Malignant Media and the Perversion of Truth
from this link...
Today’s media, instead of being a vehicle for justice, honesty, and
integrity – are an armored vehicle for destruction of our core values
and principles – principles set forth in the Constitution, a document
they would destroy if they could. Remember that.
The perversion of
truth in a society by the very entity that was designed to protect it –
and given the freedom to ensure that survival – is the means by which
our destruction will come. It is a fierce battle we fight, but the
critical point is knowing that the 4th estate in this country is the
real enemy.
We’re late to the battle, but now that we know, whttp://sago.com/2011/06/15/the-malignant-media-and-the-perversion-of-truth/e will
fight with the truth.
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