Tuesday, June 21, 2022

ManMade Women....The New DIMENSION to DIVIDE/CONQUER...MEMEophliacs...


 The added DIMENSION to the DIVIDE and Conquer theorem ...Creating a new normal, displacing ACTUAL nature with manMADE, non-science political WEAPONS to DIVIDE those who believe in God and Family, Law and Order, etc....with

Well, you know...EVIL...so now...it's out in the open...Good vs EVIL


The ESSENTIAL Divide...

The Democrats Run by Perversionaries...are tired of using ONLY color and class to divide and then...to conquer...
no they have gone one DIMENSION deeper.

The left de legitimizes NATURE so that those who are NORMAL are now the new Pervs...and those PERVS are now the accepted ones....

The psyops of this is that ACTUALLY normal people will not wish to continue to compete or to cooperate....

Great Memes


Sunday, June 5, 2022

Re-Defining the word Idiot....Those who still believe COLOR of Skin IS THE Problem!


I'm RE-Defining the word IDIOT....to address the BRAINwashING of 70 years..

IDIOT > Those that STILL believe that division via COLOR of ones skin DISPLACING the accurate notion of Color of Ideology creating the DIVISION.

Up is still UP, down is STILL down...no matter what YOU IDIOT's say ...of "think."