Friday, March 22, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

PerVcabulary- Understand Liberalism / Progressive

PerVopolis...where PerVs/Libs/Progressive(ly worse) all live

PerVoMAN...stinks to high heaven, Lies as if its truth, and more disappointing than a European Socialist System...PerVoman... w/vision like no other
PerVuception...their version of the truth!!!

PerVostitution...when you compromise what you know is right to gain popularity

Liberals hate "their stuff" being done to THEM....

Key words to use..."fire at will (will is a Perv)

PervUcated NOT educated
PerVisionist "one who uses incremental approaches to their Perv"
PerVicitis...."one who claims they were born THIS WAT
PerVocation...One who WORKS at it...
PerVaholic....One who quenches their thirst in Perv.
PerVology....The study of Perv ...usually by liberal...\
PervUniversity....Most schools of "higher" education (where you become PerVucated)

Add your own to the PerVcabulary

additions from Laurie Studer
PerVutopia...their idea of paradise (redistributed of course, darlins) thanks Laurie Studer
PerVonomics...their version of balancing the budget through our taxes
PerVopolis...where PerVs/Libs/Progressive(ly worse) all live

PerVoMAN...stinks to high heaven, Lies as if its truth, and more disappointing than a European Socialist System...PerVoman... w/vision like no other
PerVuception...their version of the truth!!!

PerVostitution...when you compromise what you know is right to gain popularity

Involuntary Pervitude..= Born Gay

Monday, March 18, 2013

: March on the Media- We are NOT taking your schitte...

Conservatism is OF the CENTER: March on the Media- We are NOT taking your schitte...: Listen to Tony's "power of ten"....

Imagine 10 people every day at ever media outlet...with others driving around the block and beeping their horn for 10 seconds...
 "the power of ten", 

Hollywood and Media CONTROLS Culture. "It's The Culture, Stupid..." Until we fight the media head on...we're "jus...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Liberalism and Doing what Others tell you NOT to, IS Cool

              Hundreds of Liberal Fun stabbing Videos


                                HOW LIBERALS ARGUE

               're NOT cool...ah huh

Liberal Cats and Feral Cats, so much alike

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Whittle vs Klavin....the Gotcha Culture OR NOT

I like Whittle, not quite right...I like Klavin better...., wait...I don't like that either...

Ok...which one of my children do I love more>.?....wait...that won't work...either..

Ok, if I was in a life raft and saw two people drowning, but only could save one..WHO would I save....?

Stop it tony, just Share this thing.."we got it...YOU (I) like them both.....A LOT

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Presumptive Philosopher: "No Rational Thought allowed...or you're a Bigot"

The Presumptive Philosopher: "No Rational Thought allowed...or you're a Bigot":              
Evan Sayet...Nails It...Eliminate Bigotry?           
"No Rational Thought allowed...or you're a Bigot" How...

"No Rational Thought allowed...or you're a Bigot"

              Evan Sayet...Nails It...Eliminate Bigotry? 
          "No Rational Thought allowed...or you're a Bigot"

How are Liberals thinking?  This is 110% on the money....Liberals...I challenge you to see this....

I suspect you won't....if you do, I suspect you won't get passed the five minute mark.

Mirror image coming back at you explained with Logic, reason and deduction (NOT a law firm)

"Right isn't Right...Wrong isn't wrong"...indeed...

                                             The Kindergarten of Eden

                                Liberals White wash of Good over Evil

Friday, March 8, 2013

More Catty than ever Feminazi's ...they Tyranny of the Queen Bee

The Presumptive Philosopher: Feminazi's ...they Tyranny of the Queen Bee: The Tyranny of the Queen Bee Women who reached positions of power were supposed to be mentors to those who followed—but something is ...

Feminazi's ...they Tyranny of the Queen Bee

The Tyranny of the Queen Bee

Women who reached positions of power were supposed to be mentors to those who followed—but something is amiss in the professional sisterhood.

Feminism isn't equal....see "Catty"
AWESOME and highlighted by Rush....

from the post
Having spent decades working in psychology, a field heavily populated by highly competitive women, I had certainly seen the queen bee before: The female boss who not only has zero interest in fostering the careers of women who aim to follow in her footsteps, but who might even actively attempt to cut them off at the pass.

The term "queen bee syndrome" was coined in the 1970s, following a study led by researchers at the University of Michigan—Graham Staines, Toby Epstein Jayaratne and Carol Tavris—who examined promotion rates and the impact of the women's movement on the workplace. In a 1974 article in Psychology Today, they presented their findings, based on more than 20,000 responses to reader surveys in that magazine and Redbook. They found that women who achieved success in male-dominated environments were at times likely to oppose the rise of other women. This occurred, they argued, largely because the patriarchal culture of work encouraged the few women who rose to the top to become obsessed with maintaining their authority.  see link to full article...

                                                         Men are Losers....5 minute clip

What do you think ladies....Generalizations in the for you?

My the Feminists who "co-opted feminism"...are simply pissed because they are either UGLY, STUPID, self proclaimed VICTIM ....or NOT BEING a Man.

Feminism once considered fair play is not a militant "thinkLESS tank"....

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Presumptive Philosopher: I HATE Truth...Liberal's PervUcation's results...

The Presumptive Philosopher: I HATE Truth...Liberal's PervUcation's results...: Replace "Truth" ...with HATE... Liberals HATE Authority Don't hold me accountable, I hate that. Don't tell me I'm e...

I HATE Truth...Liberal's PervUcation's results...

Replace "Truth" ...with HATE...

Liberals HATE Authority
Don't hold me accountable, I hate that.

Don't tell me I'm expected to work, make a living, and be self sufficient, I Hate That.

Don't tell me Sex is for procreation and that a baby is a life before birth, I Hate that.

Don't tell me NOT to do what FEELs GOOD to ME...I Hate That The MOST

Don't believe me....go to school where I go..."Perv U"  our motto?  Phuck U too"

             My analogy of Feral Cats and Liberal Cats....similar

Liberals hate "their stuff" being done to THEM....

Key words to use..."fire at will (will is a Perv)

PervUcated NOT educated
PerVisionist "one who uses incremental approaches to their Perv"
PerVicitis...."one who claims they were born THIS WAT
PerVocation...One who WORKS at it...
PerVaholic....One who quenches their thirst in Perv.
PerVology....The study of Perv ...usually by liberal...\
PervUniversity....Most schools of "higher" education (where you become PerVucated)

Add your own to the PerVcabulary

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Presumptive Philosopher: Florida Principle suspends students who saved live...

The Presumptive Philosopher: Florida Principle suspends students who saved live...: I think we need to reach the principal of the school Home  »  Guns  »  High School Student Disarms Gunman..Gets Suspended ...  email this lady and her lady asst. Principle...dam liberal politics..

Florida Principle suspends students who saved lives email her

I think we need to reach the principal of the school

Home  »  Guns  »  High School Student Disarms Gunman..Gets Suspended

Mar 2, 2013 1 Comment Jake Hammer
FOX4: FORT MYERS, Fla. – A 16-year-old Cypress Lake High School student, who wrestled a loaded revolver away from a teen threatening to shoot, is being punished. The student grappled the gun away from the 15-year-old suspect on the bus ride home Tuesday after witnesses say he aimed the weapon point blank at another student and threatened to shoot him.
The student, who Fox 4 has agreed not to identify because he fears for his safety, says there’s “no doubt” he saved a life by disarming the gunman. And for that he was suspended for three days.
“I think he was really going to shoot him right then and there,” the student said. “Not taking no pity.”
The student says he wrestled the .22 caliber RG-14 Revolver away from the suspect, a football player, who witnesses say threatened to shoot a teammate because he had been arguing with his friend.
“No doubt,” the student said, “he was going to shoot him point blank.”
The teen we spoke to and authorities both confirm the Revolver was loaded. According to the arrest report the suspect, who Fox 4 is not naming because he is a minor, was “pointing the gun directly” at another student and “threatening to shoot him.”
That’s when the student we spoke with says he and two others tackled the teen and wrestled away the gun. The next day the school slapped him with a three day suspension.
“It’s dumb,” he said. “How they going to suspend me for doing the right thing?”
According to the referral, he was suspended for being part of an “incident” where a weapon was present and given an “emergency suspension.”
“If they wouldn’t of did what they had to do on that bus,” the teen’s mother said, “I think there would have been a lot of fatalities.”
The mother agreed to talk with us in disguise. She can’t understand why her son, and two other students who disarmed the gunman, were all suspended.
“Those kids had to fight for their lives,” she said. “All the kids that was involved in this they should have a pat on their backs because they did the right thing to save someone from burying their child.”
According to the mother, the school suspended her son because he refused to cooperate in the investigation. She says he was scared.
Fox 4 asked the Lee County School District about the suspension.
“We cannot discuss specifics involving students,” said district spokesman Alberto Rodriguez in a statement. “Florida law allows the principal to suspend a student immediately pending a hearing.”
On Thursday Fox 4 tried to get answers from Tracey Perkins, the principal of Cypress Lake High School.
“Were those students suspended?,” asked Fox 4 reporter Matt Grant, before she drove off.
“Ya’ll should be ashamed of yourselves,” the teen’s mother said referring to the school’s administration, adding that the suspended students “need their education.”
The teen who wrestled the gun away can go back to school Monday, his mother said.
Despite the fact the suspect pointed a load gun at another student and threatened to shoot authorities charged him with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon “without intent” to kill.
We asked the sheriff’s office about that.
“The investigation is ongoing,” said Sgt. David Valez in a statement. “The charges presented to [the suspect] are based on our findings at this time.”
Authorities were unable to watch the school bus surveillance video because the cameras weren’t working.
The 15-year-old suspect was arrested and charged with posession of a firearm on school property and assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill.
He was taken to the juvenile justice center.
Last month, a 14-year-old Mariner Middle School was arrested for bringing a .22 caliber gun and a Panther brand stungun to class.


Tracy Perkins


6750 Panther Lane

Fort Myers, FL 33919





Board Member

Jeanne S. Dozier, District 2

School Location Number


WE are Coward NOT to say Communists in the White House...

The Communist Manifesto: WE are Coward NOT to say Communist in the White Ho...: Have Communists broken IN to the USA and Stole our System of Governing and NOT calling it what it is....? Have all of USa....fell ...

Have Communists broken IN to the USA and Stole our System of Governing and NOT calling it what it is....?

Have all of USa....fell for this Usurping of our Constitutional Republic?

yes or no?

Imagine burglars breaking in at the dark of night...You're the time of the next day, you realize YOU are the guests, not the homeowner.

You don't even think to consider that you are NO LONGER the owner....and the burglars are you land lords....and you don't even ask...

are we all sissys for not confronting face to face what is FACING USa?

Hey, I'm the Owner of this house....How did YOU become the Owner of this "WhiteHouse"

Are we too embarrassed? are we not Sissy?

PC, squared by White guilt, propelled by Pop-Culture, promoted by communist run media...I hear the quack but they refuse to SEE that THEY are THE duck...

Ignorance is bliss, but sure enjoys the company it keeps with misery...

"it is the universal custom and practice of monarchical & Arbitrary governments to train up their subjects as much in IGNORANCE as they can...and to teach them to reverence and WORSHIP great men in office and to take to truth WHATEVER THEY SAY" 

Page 26, from "Jefferson's Second Revolution"..

 Liberals, Collectivists, Progressives...etc....
Why hate Authority...Parents...Conservatives?

Because we GET IN THE WAY of "ignorance is bliss"....

Promoting the truth gets in the way of this pull quote from a Thomas Jefferson, pull quote

                           Ignorance + Misery = Liberalism

                                              Obama?  Be careful what you wish for....2 min.

Don't feel offended when charged with Ignorance, it simply means....

Ignorant = Not knowing
Dumb = Not knowing even when explained
Stupid = Knowing, but not accepting
Idiot = Knowing, not accepting, AND spewing the converse.....(tv)

                                                   The Intro trailer to the Idiocracy

Search and Destroy Troll Pages/Groups

Is your name really Tucker....Trolls are mistaking YOU for Sucker...did you know that..

This is what they do...

Trolls generate groups, pages....seemingly "Conservative"

Rush Limbaugh and the EIB Network

Researcher's study of fours years of what a troll

4 Pillars Of TrollingNot all trolls are the same, but here are some calling cards, according to Whitney Phillips.
1. Self-ID. Trolls think of themselves as trolls and usually aren't afraid to say it.
2. Vernacular. It's always changing and often grammatically incorrect on purpose and has previously included terms such as "plox" (please), "fap" (masturbation), and "sauce" (asking for the source of an image).
3. Lulz. This pointed laughter is the troll reward, virtual troll food, an acknowledgement and reaction to a troll attack that is more participatory than regular laughter.
4. Anonymity. The center of a troll's power, it's the virtual cloak that lets a sane person acts a little insane online.

Freedom Works


My Mission isn't to avoid is more to SMOKE them out, call them out, they don't like being caught red handed....

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Communist Manifesto: Operation Mocking Bird, Joe McCarthy and today's "...

The Communist Manifesto: Operation Mocking Bird, Joe McCarthy and today's "...: Who Controls the Media controls the hearts and minds of the public...(tv) The White House has always been in charge of Media...with ... 

Dear President Eisenhower — Some of us miss you … or never really knew you but in hindsight wish you were among us today

I was born the year that Eisenhower was elected to his second term. I have no personal memories of him.
Yet we live in a time where there are those that want to take our country back … back to what I’m not exactly sure. Neither are they so sure, although they sound loud and furious about taking us back to America before the 1960s. That would be Eisenhower’s era.
Eisenhower today would undoubtedly be pilloried as a soft, mushy RINO today … probably declared to be both a socialist and a leftist. He may even be blamed for ruining Richard Nixon’s mind — it was Nixon, Eisenhower’s vice president, that proposed universal national health coverage for all.
Almost everyone has read or heard Eisenhower’s warning about the emerging military-industrial complex but here are some Eisenhower thoughts that you may not have heard:
“I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its stupidity.”
“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. … Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”
“Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionaries and rebels—men and women who dared to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion. ”
“Un-American activity cannot be prevented or routed out by employing un-American methods; to preserve freedom we must use the tools that freedom provides.”

The Presumptive Philosopher: The Tale of TWO Fathers...Country vs Sequestration...

                          The Father of our Country

The Presumptive Philosopher: The Tale of TWO Fathers...Country vs Sequestration...:                                                 The Father of Sequestration