I work "in the presumptive"...I know what I know, I know what I don't know. I trust in my intuit, and allow logic, reason and deduction, guided by experience on the dark side to be the only Master.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
ART the Cause or the EFFECT of LIFE? A Reflection of art becoming science
Growing up in the 50's ...Golden age of Television....we heard as children..
Trump 30k fill stadium...NY TIMES..."Trump FAILS to FILL stadium- Journalism is DEAD
New York TIMES....interprets truth.....
doesn't speak it...
they RE-Interpret it...
The Full Speech 60 minutes
using the language of collectivists, liberals, progressives, and all those EVIL are they..."people."
I guess people DEFAULT to EVIL when they don't WORK AT being Virtuous...
So easy NOT to CARE. One has to CARE to CARE....TO care.....!
How to spin it....half full...no!
Half empty....NO.....30,000 people...DUH
Those who LIE, CHEAT & STEAL...tell the TRUTH? I don't think so....Suckers...
Donald Trump Fails to Fill Alabama Stadium, but Fans’ Zeal Is Undiminished
How to spin it....half full...no!
Half empty....NO.....30,000 people...DUH
![]() |
New York TIMES dead ON arrival... |
Monday, August 17, 2015
Walls, Immigration and Trump. Walls WORK....ask 2,266,800 adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons
I have personally experienced a half dozen WALLS....the only thing I saw going Over the wall....were home runs hit from bats swung during a baseball game...
...the Wall...Build it...they WON'T Come..
If Walls do not work...How in the world are 2,000,000 prisoners staying PUT.....the food? the accommodations?...perhaps...just perhaps..
The WALL IS too dam HIGH.....the WALL...its a long drop when falling FROM a Wall...when CLIMBING the Wall....too dam high...

The TRUMP Wall.....

According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,266,800
adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons, and county
jails at year-end 2011 –

about 0.94% of adults in the U.S. resident population. Additionally, 4,814,200 adults at year-end 2011 were on probation or on parole

Trump on Building a Wall...

Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Liberals HATE normal people...getting in the way of BLISS....and the Ignorance needed. Adults will educate you children.
"it is the universal custom and practice of monarchical & Arbitrary governments to train up their subjects as much in IGNORANCE as they can...and to teach them to reverence and WORSHIP great men in office and to take to truth WHATEVER THEY SAY"
Page 26, from "Jefferson's Second Revolution"..
Liberals, Collectivists, Progressives...etc....
Why hate Authority...Parents...Conservatives?
Because we GET IN THE WAY of "ignorance is bliss"....
Promoting the truth gets in the way of this pull quote from a Thomas Jefferson, pull quote
Ignorance + Misery = Liberalism
Obama? Be careful what you wish for....2 min.
Don't feel offended when charged with Ignorance, it simply means....
Ignorant = Not knowing
Dumb = Not knowing even when explained
Stupid = Knowing, but not accepting
Idiot = Knowing, not accepting, AND spewing the converse.....(tv)
Monday, August 3, 2015
Bullies, Sissies, TURDS of a FEATHER - Liberals-Collectivists-Progressives-Marxists R LimoCrats being USED by GhettoCrats
Sissies, hang with bullies!
This paradigm of self-protection (from BEING bullied) is a short term win, LONG term loss....
tis how Pervs "think"...err feel.
Bullies and Sissies are Turds of a Feather....
#limoCrats being used UP by #ghettoCrats
Bernie the white sissy......bowing out to the liberalBlack Bullies
saps, suckers and sissies from the left...
Show me who you hang with...and I will SHOW YOU just 'what" you are ....NOT!
Black Lies Matter
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Liberals-LION like....A Helpless Baby in the Womb or a Vicious BEAST killing helpless other Animals....
Liberal Logic suggests their is a Moral comparative with Abortion murdering a baby in the womb...vs Hunting the BEASTS of earth who PREY on others less Capable.
I got it...
It TAKES a BEAST to Kill innocent animals
It TAKES a Beast to murder an unborn child in the ROOM
Liberals ARE LIONS...hunting those who can't fend for themselves....."Natural Order perverted
http://sweetness-light.com/archive/obama-was-impressed-with-illegal-lion-killers-in-dreamsObama Was Impressed With Illegal Lion Killers In Dreams
Obama’s father also proudly told Obama’s elementary school class about how the men in Kenya killed lions to prove their manhood. Naturally, he also had to drag slavery into his spiel to the kids.From the Daily Caller:
For the record, here is the passage in question from ‘Dreams,’ page 192:Obama Was Impressed By Lion-Killing
By Patrick Howley | August 1, 2015
President Obama was really impressed by lion-killing years before his administration started investigating the killing of Cecil the Lion. Obama, whose administration is assisting the Zimbabwean government in an investigation into Cecil’s killing by Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer, didn’t used to have a problem with lion-killing, according to his 1995 book “Dreams From My Father.” Obama detailed his conversation with Masai guardsmen protecting him during a visit to Kenya. Obama explained that the guardsmen “had each killed a lion to prove their manhood.” The guardsmen engaged in illegal lion-hunting…
"At night, after dinner, we spoke further with our Masai guardsmen. Wilson told us that both he and his friend had recently been moran, members of the bachelor class of young warriors who were at the center of the Masai legend. They had each killed a lion to prove their manhood, had participated in numerous cattle raids. But now there were no wars, and even cattle raids had become complicated -only last year, another friend had been shot by a Kikuyu rancher.
Wilson had finally decided that being a moran was a waste of time. He had gone to Nairobi in search of work, but he had little schooling and had ended up as a security guard at a bank. The boredom drove him crazy, and eventually he had returned to the valley to marry and tend to his cattle. Recently one of the cattle had been killed by a lion, and although it was illegal now, he and four others had hunted the lion into the preserve.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Presidential Candidates I have a suggestion. ..What YOU MIGHT DO in office will WAIT until I AM IN OFFECE
Presidential Candidates I have a suggestion.
What YOU MIGHT DO in office will WAIT until I AM IN OFFECE
Don't allow the MEDIA to suggest that you ARE to KNOW what you can't possibly KNOW....
STOP being compelled to answer..
"what will you do, how will you DO IT once in office?
Like I have been privy to what has been broken, how it has been broking, who is covering it up, etc...
I'm supposed to KNOW THAT...Really?
like I KNOW before I can go in and investigate the ins and outs of the position?
really? Proper Answer...
ONCE I can sit down evaluate with the help of all the people that have been in place and are NOW in place then and only THEN will
I KNOW 'the' what and how of what I will do...
I have been feeling this way, since I could think.....how in the world could anyone KNOW without KNOWING how the sausage was made to begin with...can fix it without FIRST knowing how it was put together...works when you wish to self destruct something....see Obama constitutional lawyer....to know how to reverse engineer you must know how it WAS engineered...n
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