The BIG Deal the LEFT made with all the exceptions to the rule, law not withstanding...
OK, you remember the song .."hang your freak flag high...."...Well FREAKS it's time for you to all come out of the closet and overwhelm those who USED to RULE.

Now, no matter, homosexual, feminist, environmentalist, whatever your ism IS....We will honor your persona, matter how queer it may appear...
We will COOPERATE as a LEFTIST will REMAIN on talking points...You will toe the line.....and anytime you need support we will support you ...unless, Unless, UNLESS...your ism in the short terms interferes with our leftist agenda for pure power....should that be the ISM is worthless...and if you're CANCELLED..
Now come one, come all you weirdos, you have NO WHERE else to GO!..and that is the BIG DEAL!