Tony’s Maxims
1. Life is about Survival, all depends on it.
A. Survival is paramount, without life, there is no freedom, happiness, liberty or other more human desires. Fame, fortune, power, gratification, etc
2. Nature is to be synonymous and in harmony with religious beliefs.
People hunger to have it related to a person, place or things in order to look up to, answer to, and to live for something higher than themselves. Governments, Monarchs and other rulers have understood this and aligned themselves accordingly.
3. Life is ruled by the Laws of Nature
1. Everything expands
b. There are NO ABSOLUTES things are not either or, it is to the degree of which things are this or that.
c. It isn’t how good someone is or isn’t it is how bad they are not.
d. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
e. Things comes in three’s.
4. People are easily led, and are not smart.
Smart being, reactionary instead of Actionary....
What is your reaction? Reactions are based on matters of the heart and not of the mind. Responses require a relationship with your
a. critical thinking skills and your moral compass.
b. Your need to have to support of those you value before you can come to conclusion to question....
Do you think for yourself?
c. Accountability for ones actions, allowing truth to speak for itself.
5. Men are inherently evil, but can learn otherwise
If you consider that Survival is paramount then by definition if someone has something you feel you need for YOUR survival, it is inherent in us a humans and primal beings to take it by force of by deception.
6. Media drives reality and creates perception. An illusion that is (n’t)
Those who see perception as reality are in fact living an illusion. The Media’s ability to shape our reality by creating perceptions is used in corporate, media, and advertising psychographic tactics and strategies.
7. Political correctness turns wrong into right forever.
It is the strategy of life depend on image and popularity than performance and success which commands respect dependent on which to lead and to govern the masses.
Popularity is the reward for political correctness, and since it is easier to put others down, “gotcha” than to compete on equal footing in the arena of action..
8. Generalities in the abstract to argue a political point is by definition using a false premise and therefore invalid.
If I’m getting rained on, I don’t want to hear about how there is 30% chance of rain. It is 100% to me.
9. Masses are moved behind need, greed and fear.
10. Those that need to see with perfect clearness before they decide, never decide.
a. Many of us will theorize ourselves to do nothing by filling our minds with what if’s.
11. The Grass is always greener......until you get there. Then you have to Mow it..
Envy, prolific in our society, We often see the greener grass as not so green to what we had
12. If I have to explain it to you will never understand.
Some things need NO explanation, so why try.
There are many reasons why men sabotage the obvious,....
HYPA-civilized such as the intellectually elite can poke holes in the best of explanations/truths
13. The world does not owe you a living.
It did GIVE you freewill.
Your life is a blessing. We are all dealt with a particular set of god giving rights. One is freewill. With this your ethics and character, comes your ability to shape your life, indeed, for better or worse.
14. Money does not grow on trees.
Money is a reflection of your time and the value that your reality commands.
The capricious attitude towards finances and wealth is in direct opposition to natural law that commands you respect the work you do.
15. If you think you DON”T know.
Those that know and know that they know, follow them for they are a wise man.
There but a few, but one either
1.thinks they know (very dangerous, and ill advised to future movement on those who think they know.)
2. Believes they know. Until one finds more relevant and factual info to contradict ones acts with belief...and of course then there are those who know that they know. Follow them for they are a wise man.
Don't feel offended when charged with Ignorance, it simply means....
Ignorant = Not knowing
Dumb = Not knowing even when explained
Stupid = Knowing, but not accepting
Idiot = Knowing, not accepting, AND spewing the converse.....(tv)
16. The man with no shoes until he met the man with no feet. (Attitude of gratitude.)
A lot of use with prefer to see what we don’t have that others do, and want it.
.(see #10) Then there are those who understand it isn’t a matter of good it isn’t but how Bad it is not. “I guess I don’t have it THAT bad.”
17. You can be anyway you want, just cop to it.
I have more regard for the axe murder who gave me an option of getting a bigger axe or by getting our of dodge, than I do for the people in positions of authority that speak with both sides of their mouth, and not simultaneously.
18. It’s not what you know that is important, it is what you don’t know.
If you don’t know what you don’t know you are liable to group it in what you DO know...and that is more dangerous, than thinking you know. (see #15)
19. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference.
More relevance is given to whom we suggest we are not in tune with thus giving them that you desire to provide to comfort for, comfort in SEEING YOUR discomfort.
Indifference is a razor sharp , you will never see blood result or quiet satisfaction ‘knowing confidently and with silence (see #23)
20. Talk is cheap, but affordable.
People find it so easy to talk of matters of little importance or of things know little about.
Cop out words, used to sabotage, derail, cloud, smoke screen, and the like when using to defend one’s position, visa a vi, defensiveness.
22. If it doesn’t matter it shouldn’t
23. Confidence is an expression of silence
24. A good idea today is better than a perfect idea tomorrow.....(see #10)
25. There is a right way to do the wrong thing.
When wrong, own up in the acknowledgement of same.
26. Two wrongs don't make it right. Thus invalidates your argument.
27. Everything is ok, even being wrong is ok.....(see 25)
so long as you know it is wrong, and ultimately your moral clock isn’t being adjusted to fit the event, you are simply deciding to be human....accountable not withstanding....
28. why be lazy, when stupid does the trick, laziness takes a thought, such as....err "not today, I'm just.....TOO stupid, to even know about lazy.