Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tony's ON AIR again-LIVE-aLIVE..! March 19 2pm EST America's THINK SHOW

America's THINK SHOW- Talk being cheapened by an OVER-SUPPLY
Tony's ON again....
LimoCrat sissies hanging out with the thugOcrats
Stirring the soup up live....CPR Network.. My show starts up again March 19, 2015.....

2pm EST Mother taught me right from wrong...the pop-CULT-ure got to me first....the lessons learned..

I will be MAN-HANDLING Liberal white sissies and the Liberal black thugs they suck up to....that make up rhe Demon Democrat MOB
Liberal Blacks...key word "liberal" (not a color) thugsLimocr

 listen to me here..

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I bring light into the shadows of the Pop-CULT-ure...

"It's THE Culture, stupid, simple...

Listen to me weekly on the CPR Network....

I will be hitting on all the ISMs that make for victims.....propelling the pop-CULT-ure forward...

Enjoy a show from the past.
Having Circum Navigated the Pop Culture...I share with you...

On The Border with Sheriff Joe