The Problem with PERVS controlling government is....they normalize their perv, and disown the notion of NORMAL....
Chip on shoulder...for being STUCK in the CLOSET....turns quickly, now armed with an AXE, to grind....
Stick in the eye meets GETTING EVEN...tis what is actually going on with ALL the 'other' malcontents
The manipulation of virtuous people by the use of "fair play" has proven successful by the anti-Americans. Think about it...women voting, great idea! Blacks voting ....great idea...bad enough..
But it was those very same people, who now in office select the use of gender perversion to occur to where man-made women are now...LEGITIMIZED....counter to science....

What is most troubling with exceptions to the rule, ruling, is the pervisionaries will use our own good will against ourselves....
Jealousy, envy combined with an axe to grind to as they carry a chip; on their shoulder precludes intellectual integrity and further puts the integrity of our Constitution at risk.
Great memes...key word Perversion,
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