Sunday, February 6, 2022

Senator RON Johnsons Hearing ON Covid Jan 24, 2022....quite chilling....

 This is absolutely the most important discussion, maybe ever. It's long, but it's not even touching the volume of concern. Whatever your stance on the things that have, and are still, happening, please, PLEASE, at least listen. There is no benefit for these folks who are trying to tell us the information we NEED TO KNOW. They have lost reputations, jobs, family. There simply isn't any reason for them to speak except to try and stop the needless loss of lives. I would never have believed such a thing could happen here, even considering that I am aware the hospitals
 COVID-19 Misinformation U.S. Senate hearing with Senator ...
This HEARING is Epic....You will only see bits and'll understand why after you view...etc.


3:52:00....It's about the obscene money to be made...they are corrupt...this is one of about 100 great ..."I got to share this one"...kind of thing..
at 5:35:00 "no Senator...'we didn't know enough then" is wrong...We all KNEW from the beginning what this was and how to treat it....
FULL VIDEO: Ron Johnson - Senate Hearing - COVID-19: A ...
At getting a vaccine AFTER you have had COVID will injure natural ability of your immune system...see here

Ron Johnson panel on COVID-19 to bring together vaccine skeptics and promoters of unproven early ...

@5:36:00 the vaccination rates in an Ontario study, highly vaccinated population...the increase in omincron is more IN THE VACCINATED...see here.

at 5:35:00 "no Senator...'we didn't know enough then" is wrong...We all KNEW from the beginning what this was and how to treat it....
At getting a vaccine AFTER you have had COVID will injure natural ability of your immune system...see here

@5:36:00 the vaccination rates in an Ontario study, highly vaccinated population...the increase in omincron is more IN THE VACCINATED...see here.

@TheodoreKavinsky 3:52:00....It's about the obscene money to be made...they are corrupt...this is one of about 100 great ..."I got to share this one"...kind of thing..