Reason One: It Tells Only Half The Story
I submit that the currently accepted conventional wisdom of a political spectrum which extends from liberalism on the left to conservatism on the right tells just half the story of human morality and politics. It fails to provide an accurate representation of what happens in the real world.
I submit that the current spectrum depicts only the “Individualizing” half of the full spectrum, and in so doing it tilts all political discussion heavily in favor of liberalism.
Haidt says that it is difficult to talk directly about concepts. He says it’s just not easy to use facts and figures and measurable quantities to convey big ideas. The way we talk about big ideas is through metaphor.
Exhibit A in the pantheon of metaphors is The Rider and The Elephant.
Exhibit B in the pantheon of metaphors is the political spectrum.
The metaphor of the political spectrum is the essential framework upon which practically all political discussion rests. It is the fundamental presumption, the implicit and unspoken “ground rules,” the “given,” the box, the framework, that constrains and defines the limits and extent of practially every discussion we have about morality and politics.
And it’s wrong. It leaves out half the story, and by implication it sends the messag that anything having to do with the other half of the story is outside the box of what is considered “normal” and “acceptable,” and is therefore “extremist,” or is somehow not valid.
How can we possibly expect to have reasonable and informed discussions about politics, morality, and ideology if the central metaphor upon which all of our discussions rest is wrong?
The answer is, we can’t. And yet, here we are, in The Righteous Mind, on the major network news stations, on the legitimate cable news stations, on Comedy Central, and in countless newspapers and magazines, doing exactly that.
Some might argue that the current scale does not fail because it is indeed capable of telling the whole story. The argument of that perspective might be that ideologies of dictatorships, Fascism, Communism, and Nazism are simply examples of extremist, far right, conservatism.
Well, even if that’s true (and it’s not) then modern conservatism still belongs in the center and the conventional wisdom of the currently accepted political spectrum with liberalism on the left and conservatism on the right therefore is tells only half the story, and it’s therefore still wrong.
Think about it. Conservatism is in the middle of the political spectrum. It’s not on the right. What that means is that the “center” of the political spectrum in this country is actually at the 1/4 mark of the full spectrum, well into the range of what might otherwise be considered “liberal.”
But that’s not the only reason the current spectrum is wrong. Another reason is that it connects things that aren’t really connected.