Thursday, October 30, 2014

Destruction of the Family - Angry UGLY Women - Feminism, a perversion using SAMENESS as equality.


Destruction of the FAMILY is how Fem-Facism Roles...
You see my myriad of posts speaking to the Counter Culture -

now the pop-cult-your an idiot.....

to buy into it....via Marxism...
has taken down our country one "institution" at a time....(tv)

from the link...below
“Why are we here today?” she asked.
“To make revolution,” they answered.
“What kind of revolution?” she replied.
“The Cultural Revolution,” they chanted.
“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” she demanded.
“By destroying the American family!” they answered.
“How do we destroy the family?” she came back.
“By destroying the American Patriarch,” they cried exuberantly.
“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” she replied.
“By taking away his power!”
“How do we do that?”
“By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.
“How can we destroy monogamy?”
Their answer left me dumbstruck, breathless, disbelieving my ears. Was I on planet earth? Who were these people?
“By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!” they resounded.

You cannot convince me when a woman dresses to GET attention they GET shut up, ..this is an intellectually, in her own mind woman that wishes to present her "in your face" smartness...when in fact...

               Men Are Losers, Says New Feminist Campaign What do you think ladies....Generalizations in the for you  My the Feminists who "co-opted feminism"...are simply pissed because they are either UGLY, STUPID, self proclaimed VICTIM ....from  NOT BEING a Man.
Feminism once considered fair play is not a militant "thinkLESS tank"....
WE all know...honest woman and men all know.....that you don't dress for discomfort...tight jeans, etc....tight sweaters, all those stereotypical items of clothing that is essential troll bait for the trolls...

.I will go one step further....#angryuglywoman

it is my opinion then "feminism" all those ugly and fat woman ok, sorry, unattractive woman) started the movement of feminism to attract all those unattractive woman that would DIE for a man to give an iota of this Video and the check out the responses from REAL WOMEN.

Liberals find VICTIMS.....the Racism dollar now diminished to a wooden nickel now define "war on woman"...another trick bag...


Battle of the Sexes, a Man's Perspective.

A. Like most pervs.....Negative attention works...if you wish to GET attention.
B. NO call for Racist?....all men portrayed as "predators" are Black or Hispanic.

(from Mallory Millet's July article in "Front Page Magazine," entitled, " Marxist Feminism’s Ruined Lives")
"It was 1969. Kate invited me to join her for a gathering at the home of her friend, Lila Karp. They called the assemblage a “consciousness-raising-group,” a typical communist exercise, something practiced in Maoist China. We gathered at a large table as the chairperson opened the meeting with a back-and-forth recitation, like a Litany, a type of prayer done in Catholic Church. But now it was Marxism, the Church of the Left, mimicking religious practice:

“Why are we here today?” she asked.
“To make revolution,” they answered.
“What kind of revolution?” she replied.
“The Cultural Revolution,” they chanted.
“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” she demanded.
“By destroying the American family!” they answered.
“How do we destroy the family?” she came back.
“By destroying the American Patriarch,” they cried exuberantly.
“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” she replied.
“By taking away his power!”
“How do we do that?”
“By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.
“How can we destroy monogamy?”

Their answer left me dumbstruck, breathless, disbelieving my ears. Was I on planet earth? Who were these people?

“By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!” they resounded


 Canadian lesbian schoolteacher, Pam Strong, is so proud of how successful she has been at indoctrinating schoolkids as young as 4-years-old into the LGBTQ lifestyle, that she is now TEACHING other gay and lesbian teachers how to do the same to the young kids in their schools. 
This is happening much more in America. Why won't American Christian parents DEMAND this practice stop? 

The colorful evolution of newswomen’s attire

Dresses dangled on the racks at Neiman’s and Saks and all Norah O’Donnell needed was a suit.
Earlier this year, when the veteran news anchor was scouring stores for a suit jacket to wear for her “CBS This Morning” publicity photo, she discovered what her viewers have known for years: The women’s blazer is disappearing — from department stores and network news broadcasts.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Clarity of your Belief System...NOT the COLOR of your skin

It's not the Color of your skin, but the CLARITY (or not) of your Belief System....i.e. the liberal "color code."

Blinded by color or color blind is a conscious decision where virtue or the lack thereof will assist you....

Don't YOU be diminished to a CRAYON.

Discuss with me.....the Fallacy of Race...the Politics of division....the Evil of Liberalism.…/Ex-CONservative-…/257246934297264

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Being Negative about Obama (a negative) IS a POSITIVE- "double negative."

You're NOT negative when protesting or rejecting NEGATIVE "stuff."

It is a POSITIVE being negative about a negative.....just as your english teacher about a "double negative." 

Ask a Math person.'s SIMPLE math...

"A double negative occurs when two forms of negation are used in the same sentence. Multiple negation is the more general term referring to the occurrence of more than one negative in a clause.
In some languages, double negatives cancel one another and produce an affirmative sense; in other languages,

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Oregon State University ATTACKING free Constitution information Students

My son a professor at SOU sent me demoralized are MANY in "academia" watching IN SILENCE, as this must be the price paid to BE paid.

Political IN-correctness run amuck.....for so very a full staff directory  please send email or phone call rejecting this as anti-american....please let me know if and when you make a call or send an email.....

might be a good idea to copy whatever note you may write to the staff so that I can make That GREAT letter available for cut and paste...etc.

Push, Push....PULL!

 Eric Baird
Interim Vice President for Development
Interim Executive Director, SOU Foundation     (541) 552-6129    
 Lisa Purcell
Executive Assistant
to the Vice President of Development     (541) 552-6127    

Alumni Relations and Annual Giving

Mike Beagle
Director of Alumni Relations & Annual Giving     (541) 552-6874    
 Chava Florendo
Annual Giving Coordinator     (541) 552-6128    

 Ron Hren
Major Gifts Officer     (541) 552-6422    

Finance & Accounting

Eric Baird
Director of Finance & Administration     (541) 552-6129    

Gift Processing & Information Technology
 Justin Cook
Database Manager     (541) 552-8257    
 Martina Devon
Assistant Database Manager     (541) 552-8636    

Student Assistants
 Kevin Boekhoff
Database Assistant    

Shaun Franks
Research Assistant    

Carolina Castaneda del Rio
Stewardship Assistant          
Southern Oregon University Foundation - 1250 Siskiyou Blvd - Ashland, OR 97520 - Tel:(541)552-6127 - Fax:(541)552-6126 -

Sample letter, one friend sent out to all in the list thus far.
  • Laura Bell This is the letter I wrote and e-mailed to this chump college. Damn it, this infuriates me.
  • Laura Bell To the staff of Southern Oregon University:

    It has been brought to my attention that there seems to be an issue with students disbursing copies of the US Constitution.

    May I remind you ALL of you what the first amendment is:

    The First Amendment (1791) prohibits Congress from obstructing the exercise of certain individual freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition.

    Apparently your educational institution appears to have forgotten that the US Constitution is America's guiding principles. Have you and the educational staff at this college chose to ignore the first Amendment? Instead of threatening your students to stop their actions with regards to the Constitution, you should have been applauding them for taking the initiative to exercise their rights as American's. Many young people do not have a clue as to what the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights are. You should be honored that you have such bright individuals that stepped forward to inform those lacking knowledge of their country to assist in furthering their education regarding the country we all live in and prosper from.

    It causes me great concern that educators would have the audacity to "call" these students on what they were and ask them to cease their activities. This is their right, as an American citizen, to exercise their freedoms. I am appalled and ashamed at the outcome of your university's request. Further, to make national headlines over this incident brings further shame to your college.

    SHAME on you and shame on the Professor's involved in this.


    Laura Bell
    A free American and proud of it
  • Laura Bell I sent this to EVERYONE on the list.
  • Tony Venuti awesome, Laura..

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Italian - Caught in the middle of B & W. Why "whites" are "Racist." Fear does this.

Liberal Blacks, giving Conservative Blacks a BAD NAME!

Attention Black are NOT judged BY the color of your skin....

OR the content of your character...BUT by the COMPANY you keep and accept as acceptable.....

stand up en masse....we "whites" (I'm Italian, not a crayon) will STAND with YOU!....PROMISE.

STOP the PROFILING of "Blacks"......encourage your "brothers" lead by a GOOD example, NOT a bad example.....

Being Italian, (caught in the middle) I can ask questions like this....
RE: it...."white" people are SCARED of black men?

If so ...why so?

Consider that a disproportionate of blacks commit crimes on whites than black on other words...

Profiling, leads to perception of racism..., due ONLY to survival ..the Jungle....less we forget ALL of LIFE is in the jungle....psychologically speaking...

if we don't get it...IT will GET us.

Tony Venuti's photo.

Tony Venuti's photo.

The Fallacy of talk "white"