Tony's Paradigm STATESofMIND
As your Raw Etymologist....please review, bookmark...share..
Don't feel offended when charged with Ignorance, it simply means....
Ignorant = Not knowing
Dumb = Not knowing even when explained
Stupid = Knowing, but not accepting
Idiot = Knowing, not accepting, AND spewing the converse.....(tv)
Question ...which on describes Liberals?
This paper is playing around with a conceit: two senses of the term "know". However, it is all in a professional cause.
The two senses are those of:
- awareness of self, (represented by the vertical red line in the diagram below) and
- knowledge of the world (the horizontal blue line)
are of course four possible combinations, which are explored
below. "Knowledge" but not simply as Bloom understands it:
potentially this is the whole cognitive domain. You may find
parallels with the witting and willing practice model, and
also with the familiar "unconscious incompetence" to "unconscious
competence" model, which relates primarily to practical skills:
here we are exploring knowledge.
Laing's poetic
exploration of its interpersonal convolutions cited above (it goes
on for another 21 pages), and the citation of the idea by
Neighbour (1992) credited as an Arabic proverb demonstrate that it
has a considerable provenance.
Not knowing you don't know
first possibility is that of being unaware that you don't know
something. This is the "ignorance is bliss" state, enjoyed by
everyone who pontificates about politics in pubs. It is also the
position of many people on "soft" occupations (such as teaching,
or social work) which look from the outside as if "any fool could
do it". (Some do.) And it is engendered by consummate
professionals who make what they do look easy (such as plasterers
and chefs and popular novelists and...).
Many students start from
this position, and although the Neighbor proverb calls them
"fools", it is not really fair. Let's go on —
the first move is often to make learners aware of their ignorance.
This is tricky, in practice. Unless they are a captive audience
it is quite easy to frighten them off. (It is also quite seductive,
because it is a chance to show off your own level of knowledge or
competence.) On the other hand, it is a crucial step in developing
motivation to learn.
There are various ways of doing it.
- The
German teacher's name was Roger Baker (in the unlikely event that he
wants to look himself up on the web)In my first German lesson, a young
teacher recited a poem to us in German: it sounded great, but we
couldn't understand a word of it, of course. He didn't really
need to do it, because we already knew we didn't know any of it
apart from a couple of phrases picked up from war films. He was
trying to show what we might aspire to, and went on to explain
that. (It must have made an impact because I can remember the
lesson fifty years later.)
- You can ask a student
(usually either one who is a bit full of himself and needs to be
"taken down a peg", or one who is mature enough not to be
humiliated) to do something practical in the certainty that he
will fail. Only do this if you are confident that when you do it,
as you will be challenged to, you can manage it yourself.
- You
can pose a problem which has a seemingly simple answer
(political, economic, legal—or in Neighbour's case, medical), and
then show the problems in reaching that simple solution, which
stem from ignorance of the context.
The trick is to show
something which is (so far) beyond the students' reach, but not so
far beyond it that they will despair. The second trick is to make
it interesting. I have deliberately not mentioned strategies for
doing this in accountancy.
More significantly:
- In
continuing professional development courses in particular, you
may be challenging survival-oriented practice in which people
have a substantial vested interest: this is the key to the whole
un-learning/learning process. See Learning as Loss for more on
- Unless you have to do it, don't. Many learners
(particularly those who have signed up for your course of their
own free will) are only too aware of what they don't know. The
last thing they need is for you to rub it in.
- Skill in
this area is of course a core competence for charlatans. Whether
self-help gurus who must convince you of your personal inadequacy
or potential ill-health, religious proselytizers who must
convict you of sins only they believe are sinful, or salespeople
who have to create a "need" for their product, they all have to
manage this stage. Study and learn from them—just don't believe
- A specialist variation on this is
Read more: Knowing and not knowing
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Liberal / Progressive Elites.....too smart for yOUR own good....
When lacking experience, when lacking wisdom.....your "intelligence" defaults to STUPID.
Liberal / Progressive Elites.....too smart for yOUR own good....
When lacking experience, when lacking wisdom.....your "intelligence" defaults to STUPID.
Conventional WISDOM always wrong....don't be a Sucker.