Nature is geometric, its IS what it change it means to pervert it..
This is my story, my experience, my words.
No research, per se, just living 67 years throughout all the turmoil of the communist left, popCULTURE revolution.
Before the human condition was redefined...I defined being "CATTY" as OK.....
A women stabbing a man in the back was sarcasm.....why you ask?
Because...MEN are stronger physically....therefore...leveling the playing field with woman...the "weaker sex"...mandated common sense to allow....women to BE catty..
Now the world is upside down....women want to be such an extreme allowing manMADEwomen...
We now have mangina "men".....
Since all of these exceptions to the rule reject their MALEness they have adopted the notion of BEING CATTY....."we're NOT men either"
It follows, then, that "men" are acting like cowards...catty, stabbing you in the back, shooting you in the back, ....
there is little HONOR when BEING (a) displaced with female "sensibilities."