Sunday, June 2, 2013

Language REVERSED for Liberal Minds..

You WISH to make a difference...?
 Start by NOT ACCEPTING "their" language..

 Not Gay, but Homosexual...

 NOT Progressives but Re-Gressives

 Not Suicide bombings...Homicide Bombings...

 Not Homophobic, but Virtue Phobic or HeteroPhobic

 Not Hollywood, but HOLLOW-Wood

 Not Diversity, but Reverse Discrimination

 Not Entitlements, but Benefits

 NOT Sustainability, but Environmental regulation

 Not Democracy, but Republic, as in Representative Republic...

 Not Democratic Black Caucus...but Black, Communist KaKaucus..
 Invest....= Tax

 Not Pro-Choice, but Pro-Abortion..

 Not Pro-Choice, but Pro-Murder

 Not Pro-Abortion but pro MURDER

 Not Pro-Sympathy..but Pro-Contempt

 Social Justice = Communist...

 NOT Forward Leaning...Bending over

 More examples welcomed...I will compile a note....with applicable suggestions...
 START by taking BACK our Language....Is...not If,....not WHY....but WHAT in no uncertain terms.....the glass is neither empty nor full...the Glass IS

 Psyops have been in place since man...Technology has propelled...the marixist left depends on it...

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