Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Picketing the Media, YES... I'm Mad as Hell + I'm not gonna take this any more...

Is the question of the media...BIAS? or is the actual question....#mediaCORRUPTION #picketmedia

The Communist Manifesto: I'm Mad as Hell + I'm not gonna take this any more...: I'm Mad as Hell + I'm not gonna take this any more! Picket the Media to "The Power of Ten" Marshall McLuhan stated...

New Years Resolution.....suggestion....

Turn your talk into ACTIONS....

I think of the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz...as a child I often wondered...How can so many BE SO PASSIVE.....I'm beginning to find out...as my dismay at those avoiding the media's Propaganda machine

Who's in it to WIN IT.....by Picketing......The Media? (can't win if you don't play)

I'm targeting Thursday the 8th....taking control back of the message....

the Holidays are OVER ....I NEED action participants who are tired of the talk...talk talk......(cheaper by the moment....too much supply not enough DEMAND....let DO IT....HELP.....!!


Picket the Media.....Never more than Ten people at a time....never fewer than one....to the Power of Ten
