Saturday, August 1, 2015

Presidential Candidates I have a suggestion. ..What YOU MIGHT DO in office will WAIT until I AM IN OFFECE

Presidential Candidates I have a suggestion. 

What YOU MIGHT DO in office will WAIT until I AM IN OFFECE

 Don't allow the MEDIA to suggest that you ARE to KNOW what you can't possibly KNOW....

STOP being compelled to answer..

"what will you do, how will you DO IT once in office? 

Like I have been privy to what has been broken, how it has been broking, who is covering it up, etc...

I'm supposed to KNOW THAT...Really?


like I KNOW before I can go in and investigate the ins and outs of the position?


Like I know all the classified goings on before I enter the office...


 really? Proper Answer...

ONCE I can sit down evaluate with the help of all the people that have been in place and are NOW in place then and only THEN  will

 I KNOW 'the' what and how of what I will do...

 I have been feeling this way, since I could in the world could anyone KNOW without KNOWING how the sausage was made to begin with...can fix it without FIRST knowing how it was put when you wish to self destruct something....see Obama constitutional know how to reverse engineer you must know how it WAS engineered...n

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