Black Supremacy .....?
jive liberal blacks on their heels...ask em straight out....ARE you a
believe in black supremacy....yes or no thank you bye.....
I work "in the presumptive"...I know what I know, I know what I don't know. I trust in my intuit, and allow logic, reason and deduction, guided by experience on the dark side to be the only Master.
they are all actors...see hollywood....everyone is a star...everyone is against authority starting with parents who gave them too much and expected too little in return....they all ARE #popularized popCULT is liberalism....they are one in the same....go along, get along...BE cool...and always be on the ready to CRY foul...err victim....btw...that's how cool started...blues..."you had to be victim" to play the morphed to proclaiming victim allows you to "play at" the blues and BE that cool person you so desperately wanted to be |
Don't dare PROJECT your guilt upon me.....having it too good to know what bad really IS |