Tuesday, December 30, 2014

BLACK Supremacy BIGOTRY on Display...."you speak white"...WTF?

Black Supremacy .....? 
Yes YOU are a Bigot...."we're all RACIST...."...just not all BIGOTS.

Put jive liberal blacks on their heels...ask em straight out....ARE you a believe in black supremacy....yes or no thank you bye.....
when they answer in the affirmative....respond....we're all racist ..but you sir are a bigot...

Black Supremacists are RACISTS ask them....are you a Black Supremacist?....
If so...you are RACIST by definition....yes?  White Privilege = Black Pity... 


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Liberalism IS simply the antithesis to Virtue defined in Conservatism - EVIL

Liberalism IS simply the antithesis to Virtue defined in Conservatism

in other words....EVIL....from one spoiled brat, genius Marx
decided to take GOOD...down the path of good intentions....

.....and it finds it path toward communication....since Marx...with the...the help of sales man through life...alinsky and many others...
frankfurt school....
Communication is everything...speak in a manner few will understand that intellectual honesty is being withheld via design...

its essential they locate the losers, corral them, use them for the power base you need...

lie, cheat and steal every step of the way....

and make sure you spread the graft around...

pervert everything so perverts will feel normal and normal people will not wish to participate..
I speak to the 'myth" of the American Dream....
American Exceptionalism @17 minutes I speak to what is...our Exceptionalism or is it a belief...

Every wonder...how is it that Liberals and other "non-Conservatives....are NOT outraged about the middle ages being brought into our living rooms?

Simple answer really!
Agree....share it....
Don't agree....?
And we're friends?>....wtf!!!!


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Not RACIST yet!...BECOMING one...BY design. A Trick Bag in the Making!

You thinking, like I'm thinking?

I believe many of us are starting to become...what others are asking us to become...subliminally AND otherwise.....
key word...INERTIA.

Be careful what YOUR ACTIONS determine what OUR actions will BE.

 Don't give me this "white Privilege CRAP!

Happy to be PROUD of my heritage and not allowing myself to be diminished to a CRAYON...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Victim-I-ZaTion - You're NOW Cool - And NOT held ReSponSible

Queen for a Day...early 50's....the Genesis of Victim-I-Zation.....
Queen for a Day ...the Genesis of the VICTIM....don't be ashamed....be PROUD...and become ...( a ) Liberal today...

the day popCULTure X the #powerofpersuasion made becoming a victim....a positive...NOT a negative....
stand PROUD as victim....
align yourself with becoming #popularized and forget about your self esteem....

It all started with   #queenforaday  further perPeT-YOU-Ate-IT...hook line and singer...with 

pop-Cult-YOUR an idiot's take on what IT TAKES to "sing the blues"...
YOU FIRST must be VICTIM to sing the blues....
The Ticket to COOL, #Victimization no longer have to sing the blues, you ARE the blues. 

Victims are cool, victims are sexy..

."we must BE victim"...besides..

.it works on those who project the white guilt on to themselves that we Leftwingers have perpetuated upon you......Sucker!....

Victims are cool, victims are sexy..

."we must BE victim"...besides..
.it works on those who project the white guilt on to themselves that we Leftwingers have perpetuated upon you
they are all actors...see hollywood....everyone is a star...everyone is against authority starting with parents who gave them too much and expected too little in return....they all ARE #popularized popCULT is liberalism....they are one in the same....go along, get along...BE cool...and always be on the ready to CRY foul...err victim....btw...that's how cool started...blues..."you had to be victim" to play the blues...now morphed to proclaiming victim allows you to "play at" the blues and BE that cool person you so desperately wanted to be

Don't dare PROJECT your guilt upon me.....having it too good to know what bad really IS



Wednesday, December 17, 2014

It takes a CON/Thief to KNOW the Obama CON....the Chicago Way...the Con-Way..GhettoCrats.

It takes a thief to KNOW a thief > 

It takes a Con to know a Con....join me here...if you are politically correct...don't...all others..

Those who can't understand Obama....who are confused with his motives...who can't accept what is in fact CLEAR to ME.....what it is...after all..


GhettoCrats....Keeping those the "care-less" for DOWN in the Gutter of life....to ensure their power ...PURE EVIL.
Join me here on facebook, like my page.. I do know #ghettocrats

If you wish to know how Con Job > Chicago way > Chicago black thug way > Alinsky way > Mafia way......




Mafia Tactics learned from the Mafia- seven minute clip

Where to Start?  Never ending tale......