Sunday, April 5, 2015

Prove it! vs Intuitive Knowledge ..the Progressive FEAR your Intuition

The Mafia....."straw man" argument....essential Shuck...meeting Jive..
Until you can look at someone SPINNING "truth".....until you SAY....stop it...stop know that is BULL....I'm not buying it....
We fear...we cannot "prove" what we BE ....
Unless in a court of law, or a Scientific endeavor...(consensus is NOT science)
I don't have to PROVE what I KNOW.
To know you ARE BEING GAMED and do nothing makes one a COWARD
Tony has always thought through my belief/knowing system using what I call....Logical, progression of thought...or intuitive research...I have come to learn many years after that Einstein is celebrated with his use of Intuition.....thus
Until one is willing to lose their fortune will you find a leader standing up.

When lying and getting caught in each lie, as each lie buys more how..."Prove IT"...enables Shuck & Jive squared. 

This is possible ONLY for the fear anglo's have been trained to fear being called a racist.....another Trick BAG....suckers

Progressives, Liberals and all other Collectivists fear YOUR Intuition.

600 two hour programs over three years 

Tony's AWESOME memes

Where to Start?  Never ending tale......

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