Saturday, July 18, 2015

Indians Never owned...NO one EVER owned America until White People brought civilization to it.


The ESSENTIAL problem with disjointed Leftists and their contempt for all things USA.....
Native American History.....jive...
Slavery ....Jive..
Environmental ...Jive...
the list goes is the UGLY Truth...
Until you LEAVE that which benefits you.....

YOUR Criticism is an ESSENTIAL Lie.
Native Americans yesterday better of than Today....

I don't think so.
African-Americans better off without slavery than today..

doubt it.

Environment- thousand of petroleum based products harm you?  I doubt it....
I call all of this ....

INTELLECTUAL Dishonesty....

The most succinct Explanation of the tired, old...
response from loons when speaking about Western Civilization and America's conquest of the native population....Salute RON..

I often, when being impatient with the loons who parrot their "knowledge" of native american archival history....talking points from the left...

Just remember something...America was Discovered by an Italian..(if it isn't document it isn't done....and Columbus made sure his discovery was documented....further more...America was named AFTER the Italian American Amerigo Vespucci

The best singular explanation...succinct-correct....see counter point from Ron..

Point- by Mark Baland

"If it wasn't for the natives who were slaughtered to steal this land, weak whites would have frozen and starved their first winter here. Weak whites had to enslave Africans to work the land for them. Weak whites used the Chinese to do the dangerous work of building the railroads for them. Go back to Europe!"

 Counter Pooint - Ron Coon
Mr. Baland, Everyone, everywhere throughout time was at one time or another, a wanderer or a conquerer. Those native indians that you so naively give credit to as being the owners of the land were too wanderers and conquerers. Have you ever heard of the Bering Strait and outer Mongolia? It was these Mongolians that wandered across the Bering Strait to North America and scattered throughout the continent, both North, Central, and South America. It was the Mongolians that became the American Indians. It was also these supposed owners of the land that fought and slaughtered each other, just as all people from all lands throughout time, have done to each other: All for some plot of land or a body of water. And as for the Chinese, they were not used. They were hired and they were paid. The work may have been dangerous at times. The Chinese knew this and no one forced them to do anything. And finally, slavery: No one is going to argue with you about the crime of slavery. Africans conquered by other Africans and sold into slavery for profit are the first to be held at fault, Mr. Baland. We Americans as did our European brethren were the authors in the abolishment of slavery. A crime that has been preserved to this day in the Middle East by muslims and yes, Africans.
My "not worthy of a comment" was in reference to your command for Whites to return to Europe. I ask you, sir. From where do you hail? I may be wrong, but you appear to have a good amount of Caucasian in your DNA.

Old White Men BUILT America...from the ground UP!...

If there is such a thing as white privilege it is Well Deserved... all others are ON A PASS. Period!

Minorities, exceptions to the rule who NOW RULE owe a bit of gratitude to "angry white men"...who IN FACT Built this country and died in its formation.....

Thank THEM you owe them YOUR gratitude.....

The Democratic Black Kakaukus
the NBA
Michael Jackson,
Al Sharpton.....
and all those "concerned with RACE"....owe a bit of gratitude to "angry white men."...where WOULD they be....otherwise....(sensibilities of the obvious, not withstanding.)

I, as an Italian and not a colored crayon....can't take much credit for America...wait....Christopher Columbus and America's name sake Amerigo Vespucci

Could never have happened with out OLD White Men.....

                            Who in fact....Built this country.

                                           a must see video
Black Privilege check list

8 minute clip, the best.... 56,signers...(angry white men)

The Foundation of America built behind one great Story.....

what's behind the perv of "white privilege"

Conservatives BUILD, LiberalBlacks DESTROY it, liberalWhites assisting

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